TECHNICAL COMMISSION of CAF monitors, supervises and provides expert technical assistance to member clubs instructors HAS, yudansha and practitioner under the authority of Croatian Aikido Federation.
Members TECHNICAL COMMISSION of CAF, are also members of the CAFexamination commission.
Permission Hombu Dojo and have the right to hold examinations for KYUand DAN aikido titles.
If necessary, the Commission may include other yudansha from membership CAF.
1. IVAN ZAFRANOVIĆ, 5.DAN aikikai, president of technical commission
2. ROBERT MALIĆ, 5.DAN aikikai, president of examination commission
3. PREDRAG JUKIĆ, 5.DAN aikikai, member
4. JAKŠA ALFIREVIĆ, 4.DAN aikikai, member
5. ROBERT GORIČKI, 4.DAN aikikai, member